Curriculum Intent 

At Oakdene Primary Academy every child is recognised as a unique individual. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values with a vision to prepare them for life beyond primary school. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.  We use our values to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and morality needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.

Our aspirational curriculum promotes high expectations across all subjects and key stages, and addresses the vast range of social disadvantages our children face. Paramount to this, is a determined drive to ensure all of our children, regardless of their background, needs or abilities will be numerate and literate ready for their future. Our curriculum has a sharp focus on reading from the very start of school to broaden and deepen vocabulary, improve oracy skills and in turn help themselves regulate their behaviour and emotions. We commit to providing additional and enriching experiences for children who struggle with reading so they catch up quickly.

Our aspirational expectations within our comprehensive and stimulating curriculum provides pupils the opportunities to thrive.  The curriculum is planned and sequenced so that children combine the acquisition of knowledge and the progressive development of skills and vocabulary to create a purposeful learning journey.

The academic learning is underpinned by a strong emphasis on personal development and social skills so that children make and maintain healthy relationships with others. They learn responsibility and develop a sense of self so that they understand and value their place in the world and respect the same for others. British Values and equality underpin our curriculum which fosters positive learning behaviours and enables our children to be confident, lifelong learners.

Intention 1: Develop our children as lifelong learners 

We have a sharp focus on subject specific knowledge, skills, vocabulary and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, so that children can flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, physically and socially. 

Intention 2: Develop the character of our children 

We have a determination to develop learners to have a well-rounded set of British Values that enable them to keep themselves safe and prepares them for life in the modern world in a diverse and ever-changing community aspiring for equality for all. 

Intention 3: Develop behaviours and habits to become effective learners 

We have a cast iron conviction to develop the behaviours that children need to succeed in the world ensuring they are ready, respectful and safe. 

Intention 4: Develop the moral compass of our children 

To understand spirituality in themselves and others, develop social skills and understand society, build a firm set of personal morality, and to engage in the culture they live in and understand the cultures of others.


In order to achieve our aims and fully prepare our children for life in modern Britain and beyond, we designed a curriculum that is engaging and exciting. Memorable experiences are woven into the curriculum that will capture children’s imaginations and stimulate their thirst for learning more. Units of learning are carefully sequenced to ensure that learning builds lesson on lesson, key stage on key stage. Lessons incorporate retrieval skills to help children learn, make connections across the curriculum and remember knowledge. Transitions between year groups and teachers will be seamless through our sequenced and cohesive approach. We have high expectations for children to learn and use new, rich vocabulary in all subjects. 
In preparing children for modern Britain, we teach our children about Fundamental British Values, diversity and equalities wherever possible. We expose children to the rich and varied cultures of cities in the North east of England and beyond. Our lessons open children’s minds to future career opportunities and inspire children to think about their future and what contribution they can make to the wider world. 


We use rigorous, triangulated monitoring throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design. Senior leaders and subject leaders work in cross phase teams to monitor individual subjects. 

This is achieved by: -

  • reviewing learning, 
  • evaluating pupil voice, 
  • providing individual and team feedback to move practice forward, 
  • celebrating positives and highlighting areas of development.

Our whole school team strengthens our ethos and vision as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes driving forward next steps. 

Learning is measured through careful analysis of the application of skills across the curriculum; showing how the acquisition of knowledge is enhanced by expectations to evidence quality thinking and demonstrate individual understanding. 

We provide an excellent education to every child, in every classroom, every day. We work with others beyond our school and Trust to create capacity in the sector to benefit more children and communities, for exampls, as National Spport School, National Education Trust Curriculum Advocate School etc.

Curriculum Principles

Oakdene Primary Academy– Principles for Learning

  • Ambition and challenge – taking learning to another level
  • Lessons which move learning on for all children
  • Creating compelling learning opportunities
  • Children knowing what it takes to be a successful learner
  • Adults constantly responsive to the needs of learners
  • Creating routines for learning
  • Using data to improve outcomes
  • Developing authentic reciprocal relationships
  • Working together to ensure all of our children thrive

Ambition and challenge – taking learning to another level

At Oakdene Primary Academy we believe all children have the potential to be successful learners. Where they come from each day and the challenges they face on a daily basis will not limit their achievement. There are no limits to learning in Oakdene. Ensuring all of our children believe they can be great learners and striving to raise the aspirations of community so that they too believe there are no limits to what their children can achieve.

Lessons which move learning on for all children

Our classrooms are inclusive classrooms. They are places where learning opportunities are tailored to meet the needs of all children; in lessons where adults have thought about the ways in which learning is purposeful, meaningful and relevant to the current needs of every child. These are classrooms where lessons are pitched so that every child experiences success and makes progress in their learning.

Creating compelling learning opportunities

Learning in Oakdene is always compelling. Adults create learning opportunities where children are engrossed in their learning. Whatever the purpose and focus of the learning opportunities, adults have thought about what will be the most compelling, exciting, energising and memorable way in which children can engage with this learning.

Children knowing what it takes to be a successful learner

As children progress through our school they develop an ever widening repertoire of learning skills which enable them to exercise their independence when tackling challenges. Developing an ability to describe what they have achieved and an awareness of the steps they need to take to move their learning to another level.

Adults constantly responsive to the needs of learners

Adults are always aware of the purpose of each lesson and what the learning outcomes should be. Within this discipline skilful practitioners are responding to the emerging needs of learners and adapting their lessons to meet those needs. It is in the discerning ways adults choose to adapt their plans that learning is taken to another level.

Creating routines for learning

Great classrooms are built upon robust routines. These routines guarantee that time is used well; routines which enable children to exercise their independence and make choices about how they approach their learning. These are routines which are embedded in the life and work of the classroom, enabling children to take responsibility for their own learning and development

Using data to improve outcomes

In our school high quality, trustworthy, fine grained data is at the heart of our understanding of how to meet the learning needs of every child in the school. It also enables us to identify children whose progress is vulnerable and design the interventions we need to create to accelerate their progress.

Developing authentic reciprocal relationships

Great learning opportunities in Oakdene are built upon authentic reciprocal relationships; where the infectious enthusiasm and commitment of adults is reflected in the commitment of the children to their learning. Children want to do well because they know adults care and believe in them. These relationships create a safe place for children to take risks, to make mistakes and know that their contribution will always be valued.

Working together to ensure all of our children thrive

A great school has great classrooms, but in the very best of what goes on in each of those classrooms builds each year into something greater than the sum of the parts. The team in the school working together to help one another to grow and thrive and ensure all of our children achieve their potential.

Parent Curriculum Information - Little Sycamores (2 Year Old Provision)

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Parent Curriculum Information - Nursery

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Parent Curriculum Information - Reception

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Parent Curriculum Information - Year 1

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Parent Curriculum Information - Year 2

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Parent Curriculum Information - Year 3

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Parent Curriculum Information - Year 4

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Parent Curriculum Information - Year 5

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Parent Curriculum Information - Year 6

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Homework Overviews

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Phonics Play -

Parents are by far the most important people in helping children learn to read. Here you will find lots of information for parents about phonics including: what exactly phonics is, how it is taught in UK schools and suggestions for helping pre-schoolers prepare for learning phonics. You will also find lots of games and ideas to explore with children at home.


Internet Matters -

Internet Matters is a new website giving up to the minute information to enable parents and carers to keep their children safe online.  It includes advice appropriate to children of all ages about the types of activities they may engage in whilst using technology and the issues which could affect them.


Be Internet Legends -

We teach children about internet safety using the Internet Legends Code by Google. To access this code, the game 'Interland' and other resources click on 'Be Internet Legends'.


ThinkUKnow -

Advice to keep children safe while on the Internet 



News and Articles about Online Safety 


English Statement of Intent

"It is our intention, to secure the necessary reading, writing and linguistic skills to become enthusiastic and independent learners. We strive to ensure all our children receive a sequential learning experience, which will equip them with the essential tools to achieve within Oakdene and beyond. As influential gatekeepers of literature, it is our intention to immerse children in the wonders of quality texts, to foster a love for reading, a passion for discovery and the confidence to explore the world.

English underpins the work undertaken in all other areas of the curriculum and is a prerequisite for educational and social progress. Through reading a wide range of quality texts and having meaningful discussions, we aim to create valuable, contributing members of society. The acquisition of language skills is of the utmost importance and therefore the teaching of all aspects is given a high priority within school. Consequently, we strive to cultivate a community of students who have a strong command for the spoken and written word, which in turn enables them to communicate creatively and imaginatively within their compositional outcomes. Our vision is to ensure that every child achieves their full potential in all aspects of English to become confident readers, writers and communicators."

English Curriculum

“The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.” (DfE 2013)

“Reading for pleasure is the single best indicator of a child’s academic success.” (OECD)

Our English curriculum is designed to ensure that our pupils secure the necessary reading, writing and linguistic skills to become enthusiastic and independent writers, articulate communicators and widespread readers. We strive to provide an engaging and enriching sequential learning experience, which immerses the children in their learning and fosters a love for reading, a passion for discovery and confidence to explore the world around them.

English underpins the work undertaken in all other areas of the curriculum and is a prerequisite for educational and social progress. Through reading a wide range of quality texts and having meaningful discussions, we aim to create valuable, contributing members of society. The acquisition of language skills is of the utmost importance and therefore the teaching of all aspects is given a

high priority within school. Confidence in basic language skills enables children to communicate creatively and imaginatively through compositional outcomes.

At Oakdene we consider “texts as the beating heart of the lesson” Andy Tharby (Research Lead Durrington School).


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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



Mathematics Statement of Intent

"To acquire core mathematical facts, an understanding of concepts and strategies which can be applied successfully and efficiently enabling children to become fluent mathematicians who can demonstrate their understanding leading to them achieving well."

Mathematics Skills Progression NS - Y6 Mathematics Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Mathematics Curriculum

Pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Topics can be interrelated to encourage pupils to make connections between ideas. The Oakdene maths curriculum builds on previous knowledge and skills acquired in the previous year and provides the children with opportunities to practise and further develop these skills and deepen their understanding.

Our Mathematics curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Demonstrate their reasoning skills through answering probing questions.
  • Have the opportunity to solve rich and complex problems and apply their skills in unfamiliar contexts.
  • To use practical resources to represent a concept or practise a newly taught skill.
  • Become fluent and are challenged further through the asking of probing questions and the provision of further extension tasks.
  • To develop their automatic recall of key number facts and core concepts.
  • Have regular opportunities to rehearse and apply the important facts, concepts, methods and strategies that they have learned.
  • Acquire and recall of multiplication and division facts.

Mathematics Pupil Characteristics:

  1. Be inquisitive
  2. Be a resilient problem solver – have the confidence to try and try again
  3. Make connections and find patterns
  4. Be open to different approaches
  5. Have a sense of accomplishment and pride - find satisfaction in solutions
  6. Be fluent 
  7. Be confident mathematical communicators; explain, justify and reason
  8. Appreciate both the relevance of maths and its abstract beauty


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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



Science Statement of Intent

"To provide our children with a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and also an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future."

Science Skills Progression NS - Y6 Science Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Science Curriculum

“A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science” DfE 2015

Through our science curriculum we offer a range of opportunities to explore and understand the world around us, gaining a secure knowledge of scientific concepts. Our curriculum is designed to engage all pupils and prepare them for future learning, encourage curiosity and questioning attitudes. In science we take pride in our pupils developing independence, confidence and resilience. We focus on building up extended specialist vocabulary, enabling pupils to articulate scientific concepts. We ensure pupils build an awareness of potential risks when investigating. We have designed a curriculum that asks pupils to be brave in their thinking, predicting, investigating and thus we nurture future scientists.

Our Science curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Mastering scientific ways of thinking.
  • Actively being involved in their own learning.
  • Develop problem solving skills.
  • Experience science in varied, interesting and enjoyable ways.
  • Build cultural capital
  • It allows an inclusive approach, where all children work at their own level.
  • That teachers will work from carefully structured Schemes of Learning which inform them of prior and future learning.
  • Embed their knowledge and develop critical thinking skills, as they work through each flow from representation to rich tasks.
  • Continually learn new knowledge and vocabulary
  • Experiential learning is also built into each unit, enabling staff to assess scientific skills.


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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



Our Early Years Provision 

Ofsted Graded: Outstanding 

Our Early Years Foundation Stage key aim is to continue and extend the education which you, as parents/ carers, have begun at home to enable your child to foster a love of learning that will last a lifetime.

Our Early Years Curriculum Intent

At Oakdene Academy we offer an Early Years curriculum that is rich in wonder and memorable experiences.  We ensure that all of our children have a broad curriculum with a good balance of adult led and child-initiated activities to   ensure the best outcomes for all pupils. We understand that play is an integral part of learning, and this is at the heart of our Early Years curriculum. It is our intent that the children who enter our Early Years develop physically, verbally, cognitively, and emotionally whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning. That they feel safe and secure and ready to learn.  We are passionate about creating opportunities for children to communicate more easily through developing  language and communication skills and specifically teaching vocabulary. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as an individual and we are passionate in allowing all children to achieve their full, unique potential.

We provide a stimulating environment that provides exciting opportunities, both indoors and outdoors in promoting challenge, exploration, problem solving, adventure and a real love of learning.

We aim for our children to be confident, resilient and independent, to believe in themselves and interact positively with others.
We endeavour to give the children the Cultural Capital they need for future   success i.e. giving each child the best start in life enabling them to fulfil their full potential and achieve future success. Positive relationships between staff and children, consistent routines and strong relationships with parents are key. We recognise the crucial role that early year’s education has to play in providing firm foundations in order for children to become successful learners. 

The EYFS Framework

There are seven areas of learning and development that help to shape educational provision in Early Years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. None of the areas of learning can be delivered in isolation from the others. Our children’s learning experiences enable them to develop competency and skills not just academically but also socially, emotionally and physically.

The three prime areas which are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 
  • Communication and Language 
  • Physical Development 

Staff will also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied: 

  • Literacy 
  • Mathematics 
  • Understanding the world 
  • Expressive arts and design 

All of those areas of learning are connected together. The characteristics of effective teaching and learning weave through them all. That’s because children in the early years are becoming more powerful learners and thinkers. These characteristics develop as they learn to do new things, acquire new skills, develop socially and emotionally, and become better communicators.

At Oakdene Academy, we plan learning experiences considering both the children's individual needs and achievements as well as a range of learning experiences that will assist them to make progress. Well planned play is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge during the Foundation Stage. Children deepen their understanding by playing, talking, observing, planning, questioning, experimenting, testing, repeating, reflecting and responding to adults and to each other.

Our exceptional  learning environment is made up of areas which reflect all areas of the curriculum. Here children can make their own choices, encouraging them to play and explore. They can be active learners and are able to create and think critically. We operate an indoor/ outdoor learning experience for our young children, where they can move freely between both areas. Links are made between both learning environments, to ensure that all children receive a rich and varied curriculum that supports their learning and development.

We would like to welcome you and your family on the next step of their exciting learning journey!

Little Sycamores (2 Year Old Provision)

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Art Statement of Intent

"To give our children the opportunity to be involved in, enjoy, understand and appreciate the visual arts and enable them to build the creative skills needed to reach their full potential using the language of art."

Art Skills Progression NS - Y6 Art Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Art and Design Curriculum

Our Art and Design curriculum is ambitious and inspires pupils to develop their artistic skills and knowledge and leaves them curious to find out more. We believe Art is an avenue for children to explore their curiosity, express themselves imaginatively, develop critical thinking skills, invent and craft works of art, develop an interest in great artists and develop skills: drawing, painting, working with colour, textiles, sculpting and creating ideas. Our aim is to have an engaging Art curriculum that is bespoke for our community. Our curriculum inspires our pupils to be brave with colour, material and mediums to create high quality physical and visual art pieces. Through the curriculum our pupils will enjoy learning about great artists and critique their work to gain a deep understanding of different types of art. Our Art curriculum enables pupils to be creative and injects a love for art.

Our Art and Design curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Research and find out about great artists
  • Develop critique skills
  • Experiment with a variety of skills, painting, drawing, sculpting, sewing, collaging and working with fabric.
  • Make design decisions by developing sketchbooks
  • Imitate the work of artists
  • Create high quality art pieces
  • Reflect, evaluate and critique their work

Art and Design

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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)


Topic Summaries (Sample)



Computing Statement of Intent

"To lead and deliver a high-quality computing education that utilises new technology in a socially responsible and safe way in order to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand the wider global community and act as responsible digital citizens."

Computing Skills Progression NS - Y6 Computing Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Computing Curriculum

Our Computing curriculum addresses the challenges and opportunities offered by the technologically rich world in which we live. We use computing to enrich our curriculum across the key stages and ensure coverage of the national curriculum expectations. Following a clear progression of skills throughout the school, there are opportunities for children to solve problems, create online games and create videos.

Our Computing Curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Use and express and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology
  • Create simple algorithms and programmes
  • Debug programming errors
  • Create, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content using a mixture of word processing, paint packages, digital photography and video packages
  • Be aware of their responsibilities online and know what to do if they have any concerns
  • Know how information is stored on computers and how it travels, connecting people across the world through the use of the World Wide Web
  • Explain their thinking behind their programmes
  • Explore how search engines work
  • Consider how their online actions can impact on others
  • Know when and how to report an online concern
  • Create computer games
  • Use technology safely and respectfully
  • Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • Identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies


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Topic Summaries (Sample)



Design & Technology Statement of Intent

"To design, make and evaluate creative, purposeful products through selecting appropriate materials and developing technical expertise to solve real problems." 

DT Skills Progression NS - Y6 DT Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Design and Technology Curriculum

We aim to provide children with a DT education that is relevant in our rapidly changing world and a curriculum that embodies our school intent: we intend to provide a wide range of inclusive opportunities, that ensure our children have a secure body of knowledge and effective critical thinking skills, which enable them to lead life with the highest of aspirations and contribute to life in modern Britain and the global community. Through our design and technology curriculum we aspire for our pupils to be unusually brave and think critically. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to discover what is possible through designing and making innovative products. We strive to push the limits and ask children to use their research to design and make innovative, creative products and want our pupils to be problems solvers. Through our DT curriculum we ensure that pupils will have opportunities to work with a wide range of mediums: textiles, food, woodwork and mechanisms. We have a knowledge rich scheme of work guided by the National Curriculum.

Our Design and Technology Curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Conduct research and look at similar models.
  • Research and find out about designers, chefs, engineers
  • Acquire skills of cutting, making, constructing, gluing and making
  • Create detailed designs with annotations for products they will make
  • Review designs and create final designs
  • Use Computer Aided Design
  • Evaluate their products
  • Develop their knowledge of products and designers
  • Consider the impact of products on the environment
  • Explore audience, purpose and function

Design & Technology

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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



Geography Statement of Intent

"To inspire geographical explorers to be fascinated in the world and use their knowledge and skills to play a role in shaping its future. At Oakdene we aspire to give pupils a broad and detailed knowledge of people and places from around the world."

Geography Skills Progression NS - Y6 Geography Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Geography Curriculum

Our Geography curriculum is exciting and enables our pupils to be curious about the area, country, city and world they live in. For us Geography is about our pupils becoming naturally curious to find out more, question and investigate. Through our knowledge rich curriculum pupils find out about the Earth's land, water, air, and living things and people. We ask thought provoking questions where children discuss environmental issues and the impact of human behaviour to the Earth.

Our Geography curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Develop the ability to make sense of information
  • Observe and interpret the environment
  • Develop and secure Map reading
  • Understand and interpret secondary data
  • Communicate findings in drawings, charts and diagrams
  • Record and analyse data using ICT
  • Discuss issues and problems with others
  • Develop critical and creative thinking
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of distant places and environments
  • Recognise how people from all over the world are linked through travel and trade
  • Build a framework of place knowledge
  • Investigate major rivers, mountains and cities
  • Develop an appreciation of other peoples and cultures
  • Recognise the need for a just and equitable society
  • Develop an understanding of spatial relationships at a range of scales
  • Undertake fieldwork, enquiries and active exploration of the locality
  • Explore landscapes, settlements and human activity
  • Become a global citizen with multicultural understanding


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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



History Statement of Intent

"To inspire a curiosity of the past. Our children at Oakdene will become critical explorers by being exposed to a rich, complex and diverse set of historical people and places."

History Skills Progression NS - Y6 History Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

History Curriculum

History is all about people. The study of people of different types from different times and different places is the most important aspect of our work. History fires pupils’ curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Pupils consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. As they do this, pupils develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. They see the diversity of human experience, and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. What they learn can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. In history, pupils find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions. To do this, they need to be able to research, sift through evidence, and argue for their point of view – skills that are prized in adult life.

Our History curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Develop a sense of time (chronology), recognising how time is measured and that some things change and some things stay the same;
  • Investigate how and why events happen and how they may be linked;
  • Consider what it was like to live in different periods and what motivated the people who lived then – and that we cannot think in the way they thought;
  • Recognise that there are some things we can never know about the past and that history has to be constructed from the bits of the past that have survived;
  • Understand that people interpret the past differently and use different ways to present their ideas;
  • Make thoughtful use of a variety of sources to find out about the past;
  • Communicate their ideas in a variety of ways and with clarity and independence.


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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



Foreign Languages Statement of Intent

"To develop creative and confident communication within another language, understanding and responding verbally and in written form, with increasing fluency and ambition."

Foreign Languages Skills Progression NS - Y6 Foreign Languages Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Foreign Languages Curriculum

Children are taught French weekly by a specialist languages teacher from Lingotots. These lessons focus primarily on the acquisition of speaking and listening skills, whilst also incorporating opportunities to develop reading and writing abilities.

Our approach to learning a language puts emphasis on a fun, relaxed atmosphere where praise is given to all abilities and children feel confident to push their limits.

Mediums such as singing, games, flash cards and cultural exposure are consistently used to support children in their learning.

Children as young as Nursery are exposed to new languages, enjoying stories from other languages.

Each class in Key Stage 2 has an international partner schools with whom they can share their learning, broaden their cultural understanding and work together on global issues that concern the younger generation.

Our Foreign Languages curriculum will enable pupils to:

Through high quality, language rich lessons, children begin to develop an understanding of a second language and its grammatical structure. As a result, learners inevitably become more aware of, and develop a deeper understanding their own language. At Oakdene, our learners grow in confidence in their communication abilities and identify themselves as global citizens.

Foreign Languages

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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)


Topic Summaries (Sample)




Music Statement of Intent

"To provide a representative music curriculum, and the opportunity to learn a tuned instrument alongside developing cultural and musical history knowledge."

Music Skills Progression NS - Y6 Music Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Music Curriculum

Teachers create a positive learning environment through positive classroom management, and singing led, child focused lessons. Children receive access to high quality music resources and instruments to reinforce the ambitions of the curriculum. Music is made an integral part of school life through after school clubs and regular singing assemblies. Every year group has the opportunity to perform at local and regional events. Alongside the music curriculum, Kapow scheme of work, online resources and lessons are used by class teachers and pupils regularly.

Through our music curriculum we provide enriched opportunities for pupils to immerse themselves in the world of music through singing, dancing, playing instruments and learning about great composers.

We work closely with Tees Valley Music Service to provide our pupils an engaging and enriched experience that develops a love for music.

Our Music curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them
  • Sing a variety of songs throughout the year that cover a range of different cultures
  • Read musical notation
  • Learn about great composers
  • Perform musical ensembles and sole performances
  • Play a variety of instruments
  • Take musical instruments home
  • Have a deep knowledge of musical terms such as chord, melody, quaver, strumming
  • Have opportunities to watch and listen to orchestral/choral performances.
  • Conduct music
  • Participate in assemblies which all have a singing focus.


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Knowledge Organisers (Sample)

Topic Summaries (Sample)



RSHE Statement of Intent

"To provide children with the essential knowledge and skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitive relationships and staying safe both off and online."

RSHE Curriculum

“RSE gives young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitive relationships and staying safe both off and online.” (PSHE association and Sex Education Forum 2014) 
Relationship and Sexual Education (RSE) at Oakdene Primary Academy aims to support children throughout their time at the academy and beyond. The overarching aim is that good quality RSE keeps children safe and protects children from harm. It helps Oakdene to fulfil its duties to protect, safeguard and promote the well-being of their pupils. A comprehensive programme of RSE provides accurate information about the body, reproduction, sex and sexual health. 

Our RSE curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Develop self-esteem
  • Value themselves and others, recognising and respecting others’ ideas and views
  • Understand the importance of respect, love, and care within friendships, relationships, and within the family unit
  • Understand that there are a number of different relationships and be able to recognise positive relationships
  • Understand safe and unsafe situations, and the right to feel and be safe
  • Use the correct terminology to talk about their bodies
  • Be able to keep themselves clean and healthy
  • Be aware of their own bodies and understand and be prepared for the physical and emotional changes that happen to them as they grow up
  • Understand how babies are conceived and develop
  • Understand the responsibilities of parenthood
  • Use knowledge and skills to make informed choices
  • Have the communication and negotiation skills they need to act upon the choices they make
  • Have the skills necessary to deal with situations involving peer pressure
  • Form positive relationships
  • Understand, talk about, and deal positively with their emotions, feelings and beliefs, and those of others
  • We work together to create an environment where every child and adult feels safe, happy, and valued. 
  • We support children to become more motivated, responsible, independent and self-disciplined members of society with respect for all
  • We believe that the RSE programme in the academy supports our values and ethos
  • We work together to create an environment where every child and adult feels safe, happy, and valued
  • We support children to become more motivated, responsible, independent and self-disciplined members of society with respect for their multi-cultural environment
  • We believe that the RSE programme in the academy supports our values and ethos

Equal opportunities

It is intended that the academy’s RSE policy and programme will reflect the ethos of the academy, by providing a secure, inclusive, non-judgemental environment in which to learn. Therefore, no child or family will be discriminated against on grounds of race, gender, health, ability or sexuality. The policy and content will comply with LA and government guidance.


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PSHE Statement of Intent

"To provide an ambitious, comprehensive, relevant, purposeful and inclusive PSHE curriculum that provides our children with the body of knowledge and skills to have an exceptional character and lead a remarkable life. "

PSHE Curriculum

We teach PSHE as part of our curriculum, which stands for 'Personal, Social, Emotional and Economic Education.' It is underpinned by British Values and promotes pupils' spiritual, moral and cultural development.
Oakdene was an early adopter school for the 'Relationships, Sex and Health Education' (2020) curriculum, this is now statutory. As a school, we completed a consultation with our school community, and all the statutory coverage is embedded.

Our PSHE curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Explore a range of themes, including well-being, friendship, understanding our feelings
  • Discuss the changes in the world as we know it. We have a high focus on social, emotional and mental health as part of our Mental Health Strategy, as well as E-Safety to balance the demands of virtual learning.
  • Engage in Fitness Lessons to promote physical well-being, as well as outdoor learning through our Forest School provision.
  • Pupils set up class charters as part of their transition into a new class, using the UNICEF Rights of a Child as well as Safety Charters to ensure children know how to work safely in school.


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Physical Education Statement of Intent

"To develop active and healthy lifestyles for every child. Through exciting and challenging lessons and extra-curricular activities, we strive to instil a love of games and sport that will last a lifetime."

PE Skills Progression NS - Y6 PE Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Physical Education Curriculum

The PE curriculum at Oakdene Academy aims to develop children’s ability to excel in a broad range of physical activities including dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety. These activities are not exclusive and opportunities to participate in less usual activities are also given, such as: wheelchair basketball, Boccia and Kurling.

All pupils have a minimum of two hours of PE timetabled each week. The curriculum meets all the expectations of the National Curriculum and goes beyond when and where possible. It sets out to be both fully inclusive, yet challenging. As an academy we have chosen to use the PE Scheme ‘Complete PE’ to support with teaching and learning, as well as assessment.
The content and sequencing of the curriculum has been carefully thought about so that pupils build upon prior learning, make connections and confidently develop their knowledge, skills and techniques for a range of different physical activities and sports. The curriculum is a progressive model so that by learning and practising the content pupils will make good progress as they move through the school from Early Years to Year 6.

In Early Years the curriculum focuses on children’s physical development, teaching and developing the fundamental skills of movement, balance, coordination, flexibility and agility. All reception children benefit from weekly ‘Yoga’ sessions that support our PE curriculum, and are delivered through the use of familiar stories. 

In Key Stage 1, children will further develop these fundamental skills and begin to apply them in a range of sporting activities. They are given the opportunity to perform individually and with others and are encouraged to    co-operate in competitive physical challenges.

In Key Stage 2, children develop and build upon previously taught knowledge, skills and techniques to use them in a variety of ways. It is here where children become increasingly more involved in competitive sports, modified where appropriate, and apply other taught principles such as attacking, defending and teamwork. Children are encouraged to identify where improvements to performance can be made and how to evaluate and recognise their own and others achievements. Key Stage 2 children are also given the opportunity to participate in outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming. Our aim is for all pupils to leave Oakdene being able to swim a minimum of 25m. All children are given the opportunity to participate in competitive sport through our calendar of intra events. The academy also regularly participates in competitive sport outside of school.

At Oakdene Primary Academy emotional and mental wellbeing is greatly enhanced by our sport and ‘active learning’. This is central to both our curriculum and extra-curricular provision, as we know this is hugely beneficial to our children. 

Our Physical Education curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Participate and enjoy physical education as well as understanding the benefits that being active can have on their physical and mental health in order for them to lead healthy, active lifestyles now and in the future. 
  • Offer children a combination of physical education, physical activity and competitive sports. 
  • Ensure that children are able to sustain physical activity for a period-of-time and encourages children to engage in competitive sports and activities. 
  • Meet all the expectations of the National Curriculum and beyond when and where possible. 
  • Children live and breathe the School Games Values. These values permeate through our entire curriculum and in everything, we do:

Physical Education

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Learning Sample

Topic Summaries (Sample)



Religious Education Statement of Intent

"To engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community.”

RE Skills Progression NS - Y6 RE Teaching Sequence NS - Y6

Religious Education Curriculum

Here at Oakdene, we learn about and from all the main religions and faiths through an enriching and engaging RE curriculum. Cross-curricular dimensions such as identity, cultural diversity and community cohesion are reflected in our curriculum. RE lessons also contribute to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society.

Our RE curriculum also makes important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education), the humanities, education for sustainable development and others. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others.

Christianity is taught as two of these units each year with the others varying slightly from year to year. This builds up a good understanding of all the different religions over the years in a progressive way. Our RE curriculum helps us to encourage a positive attitude to different religions and beliefs.

Our RE curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the principal religions represented in the UK
  • Appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape our life and behaviour;
  • Develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues;
  • Promote respect and open-mindedness towards others of different faiths and beliefs
  • Enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Religious Education

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As a sign of respect for both the Jewish and Islamic religions, I have omitted any figurative representations with the document.
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Topic Summaries (Sample)

Learning Sample



Children University Information

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Remote Learning Provision

Remote education will only ever be considered as a last resort where a decision has already been made that attendance at school is not possible, but pupils are able to continue learning.

Every effort will be made to ensure pupils can be taught in person by attending Oakdene. After exploring all options to ensure the school remains open to all pupils, there may still be some exceptional occasions when school leaders, the Trust or the local authority decide that it is not possible to open safely, or where opening would contradict guidance from local or central government.

If restricting attendance for pupils is the only viable option, we will provide remote education to help pupils stay on track with the education they would normally receive. Although we hope that we won’t need to offer remote learning provision, it is important that we are prepared. We feel that it is helpful to have a plan in place that outlines any remote education procedures for teachers, parents, carers and pupils. Remote education plans are particularly useful during emergency closures where the decision to close can often be made at short notice.

The Oak Academy Online Teaching and Learning resource  

Should you ever need to access our remote learning offer there is a high-quality range of online resources available to you. 
You will be able to access a wide range of subjects and lessons. Each lesson is an hour long. They are delivered by a teacher, with a pre-recorded video as well as quizzes, worksheets and creative activities. It’s all easy to use, it’s free, there’s no login or password required, you can access the lessons on any device, and pupils only need materials they can find at home. 

This is a national resource produced by the DfE -

Have fun exploring the activities.

Remote Learning

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